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As Coriolanus begins, two Roman patricians, Menenius and Martius, calm a revolt by the city’s famished plebians. Martius, who despises the plebians, announces that their petition to be represented by tribunes has been granted. When Volscian invaders attack Roman territories, Martius helps lead the Roman forces, and almost single-handedly conquers the Volscian city of Corioles, winning the name...

⌜⌝ Enter Menenius to the Watch, or Guard. FIRST WATCH (FTLN 3284) [1] Stay! Whence are you? SECOND WATCH (FTLN 3285) [2] Stand, and go back. MENENIUS (FTLN 3286) [3] You guard like men; ’tis well. But by your leave, (FTLN 3287) [4] I am an officer of state and come (FTLN 3288) [5] To speak with Coriolanus. FIRST WATCH (FTLN 3289) [6] From whence? MENENIUS (FTLN 3290) [7] From Rome. FIRST WATCH (FTLN 3291) [8] You may not pass; you must return. Our general (FTLN 3292) [9] Will no more hear