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As Coriolanus begins, two Roman patricians, Menenius and Martius, calm a revolt by the city’s famished plebians. Martius, who despises the plebians, announces that their petition to be represented by tribunes has been granted. When Volscian invaders attack Roman territories, Martius helps lead the Roman forces, and almost single-handedly conquers the Volscian city of Corioles, winning the name...

⌜⌝ Enter the two Tribunes, Sicinius, and Brutus, with the Aedile. SICINIUS (FTLN 2519) [1] Bid them all home. He’s gone, and we’ll no further. (FTLN 2520) [2] The nobility are vexed, whom we see have sided (FTLN 2521) [3] In his behalf. BRUTUS (FTLN 2522) [4] Now we have shown our power, (FTLN 2523) [5] Let us seem humbler after it is done (FTLN 2524) [6] Than when it was a-doing. SICINIUS (FTLN 2525) [7] Bid them home. (FTLN 2526) [8] Say their great enemy is gone, and they (FTLN 2527) [9]