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As Coriolanus begins, two Roman patricians, Menenius and Martius, calm a revolt by the city’s famished plebians. Martius, who despises the plebians, announces that their petition to be represented by tribunes has been granted. When Volscian invaders attack Roman territories, Martius helps lead the Roman forces, and almost single-handedly conquers the Volscian city of Corioles, winning the name...

⌜⌝ Enter Sicinius and Brutus. BRUTUS (FTLN 2277) [1] In this point charge him home, that he affects (FTLN 2278) [2] Tyrannical power. If he evade us there, (FTLN 2279) [3] Enforce him with his envy to the people, (FTLN 2280) [4] And that the spoil got on the Antiates (FTLN 2281) [5] Was ne’er distributed. Enter an Aedile. (FTLN 2282) [6] What, will he come? AEDILE (FTLN 2283) [7] He’s coming. BRUTUS (FTLN 2284) [8] How accompanied? AEDILE (FTLN 2285) [9] With old Menenius, and those senators