
Conformed to His Image: Biblical and Practical Approaches to Spiritual Formation is unavailable, but you can change that!

What does a relationship with God look like and how do we obtain it? It is vital for church leaders to grapple seriously with this question, for pat answers no longer suffice. Lives well-lived, not just words eloquently spoken, must become our response. The quality of our relationship with God is what will influence the health, potency, and witness of the church in an increasingly complex and...

One, is found only in the Bible. In the progress of revelation, the Old Testament lays the foundation for the fuller expression of the three-personed God of the New Testament. It has been said that “the Old is in the New revealed; the New is in the Old concealed.” The plural pronouns (“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” [Genesis 1:26]; “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language” [Genesis 11:7]), as well as a variety of other passages that distinguish the persons
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