
Daniel is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Gospel of the eternal kingdom of God is set forth most fully in the OT in Daniel. More than a combination of miraculous stories and fantastic visions, it presents the coming Messiah and his establishment of the church. This commentary shows that Daniel is not for millennial speculation, but a book about Christ, the salvation he accomplished by his cross, and the glorious resurrection that...

original creation (Genesis 1). Similarly, “seven times” were the period for the re-creation (repentance and restoration) of Nebuchadnezzar (see the commentary on 4:13 [ET 4:16]). “Seventy” (9:24) draws on the “seventy years” in Jeremiah (see 9:2) to signifying that desolated Jerusalem would be rebuilt, and the “weeks” draw on Genesis 1 to signify re-creation. “Seventy” and “weeks” are commonly used for symbolic time in apocalypses written after Daniel, and many of these apocalypses represent a kind
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