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Oracles against the nations intend to bring Israel’s enemies to repentance. God promises individual justification, restoration, and resurrection through a new David, the Shepherd who will unite all believers. The book ends with an extended vision of the new temple and rejuvenated land in the new earth, where God’s redeemed shall dwell under their Prince forever.

Yahweh’s people to their homeland, where even the grave terminology is abandoned. This too is part of the same exodus typology that lies at the heart of most of Ezekiel’s restoration oracles (20:42; 34:13; 36:24; 37:21). 37:13 The recognition formula, “then you will know that I am Yahweh” (repeated for emphasis in the next verse), shows that “as ever in the book of Ezekiel, salvation is to be a means to a divine end. The redeeming act of God would bring with it the revelation of his true self.”32
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