
The Song of Songs is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Song joins the holy estate of human marriage with the great mystery of Christ’s union with his betrothed bride, the church. Solomon’s most beautiful poem contains a profound message of divine love, eschatological yearning, consummation, and eternal delights, with rich applications for the church. This commentary develops OT hermeneutics that are Christological, ecclesiological, sacramental,...

Scripture with the awareness that it is through the person of Jesus Christ that God has revealed his love and in whom all the riches of God’s grace are to be found. All of the OT revelations of God’s gracious love point toward and are fulfilled by Christ. Therefore a Christological hermeneutic is appropriate for the interpretation of all the OT Scriptures as well as the NT. An analogical hermeneutic interprets the Song’s love poetry in light of the analogy in Scripture between God’s love and the
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