
The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide, Volume 2: S. Matthew’s Gospel—Chaps. 10 to 21 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume 2 of The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide provides verse-by-verse commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew, chapters 10–21.

in prayers, wise in her answers, faithful in her words.” says S. Ambrose. He answered, it is not meet, Gr. καλὸν, that is, fair, becoming. Christ speaks after the manner of the Jews, who were wont to call the Gentiles, as being vilest idolators, dogs. This is the second repulse of the Canaanitish woman by Christ, and sterner than the first. He pricks her, as it were, by calling her a dog, to whom it is customary to throw crusts of bread. By bread He means not corporeal, but spiritual bread, namely
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