
Contours of Pauline Theology: A Radical New Survey of the Influences on Paul’s Biblical Writings is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Apostle Paul is a controversial church figure. Many theologians accuse Paul of starting a new religion: of hi-jacking early Christianity in a different direction. Is this a fair charge? Tom Holland points us to a neglected fact, that the Jews in the first century AD would view concepts of salvation through the exodus of Israel from Egypt to the promised land. Until now, a real elephant in the...

These conclusions came from their reading of Bultmann’s work, and their own independent studies of the Pauline letters. Unfortunately, the corporate meaning of ‘body of Sin’ has become entangled in a debate over the claim that ‘body’ was used holistically, while the two issues are quite separate. But even if the corporate meaning of ‘body of Sin’ is accepted as valid, it is still questionable whether the concept can be transferred from one section of the Pauline corpus to another, for, some argue,
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