
Augustine versus Luther on Sin, Sexuality, and Salvation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Augustine of Hippo and Martin Luther had absolutely foundational influences over the thought, practice, and development of Christian theology. Yet somehow the work of these two theological giants has produced out-of-balance perspectives within Protestantism on marriage, sexuality, and singleness—thanks to Augustine’s view of sexuality as shameful and Luther’s exaltation of marriage as the sure...

The serpent’s well-aimed temptation was designed to deprive the couple of this Word. It obviously worked since they did not trust the goodness of God or believe the Word of God, who had given them everything they needed including explicit instructions about the forbidden tree. They did not believe God and instead replaced His Word with the serpent’s lie. It was then very easy for them to approach the tree and eat the fruit. “Truly, therefore, this temptation is the sum of all temptations; it brings
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