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William Burt Pope’s 3-volume Compendium of Christian Theology is an authoritative textbook on dogmatic theology in the Wesleyan tradition. Published in 1877–1879, this expanded edition quickly became most important and influential Methodist systematic theology of its time, and the clearest representation of Methodist theology during the second half of the nineteenth century. In these volumes,...

there is no need of argument; nor is any specific text necessary. Every Divine commandment is virtually a commandment with promise: with promise not only of blessing to follow obedience but of grace to precede it. The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. (Rom. 1:16) By the special appointment and will of God the Word has grace connected with it, sufficient for every purpose for which it is sent. So it was anciently said: it shall not return unto Me void,
Volume 2, Page 345