
Lexham Hebrew Bible: Cantillation Analysis Documentation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Hebrew/Aramaic writing system entails two sets of marks: nikudim (vowel points) and te‘amim, variously called cantillation marks, accents, or trop(e)s. This resource provides documentation for a suite of resources that visualize the cantillation marks as a hierarchy, using a “binary” tree diagram and other methods to annotate the cantillation marks in the Hebrew Bible.

From the Documents menu, select Syntax Search. Make sure that Lexham Hebrew Bible: Cantillation Analysis Database is the selected database. Click on the Add search terms here text, and select from the desired rank objects. Once an object is active, properties can be added using the panel on the right of the window. When your search is structured to your satisfaction, click Search. The results will appear in a Search Results window. For more information on using Syntax Search, consult the Syntax Search