
Lexham Hebrew Bible: Cantillation Analysis Documentation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Hebrew/Aramaic writing system entails two sets of marks: nikudim (vowel points) and te‘amim, variously called cantillation marks, accents, or trop(e)s. This resource provides documentation for a suite of resources that visualize the cantillation marks as a hierarchy, using a “binary” tree diagram and other methods to annotate the cantillation marks in the Hebrew Bible.

What emerges is a tree that conforms to a strict binary branching rule. Because the unit of morphological analysis in the Lexham Hebrew Bible does not correlate directly with visual, space-delimited “words” in the text, the notion of Visual Word has been added as a further unit in this analysis. This allows the space-delimited term, which may have multiple sub-units, to be considered as a unit of analysis as well.