
A Christological Catechism: New Testament Answers is unavailable, but you can change that!

Joseph A. Fitzmyer presents 25 succinctly phrased and candidly answered questions about Jesus. His book covers issues such as the virgin birth, the infancy narratives, Jesus’ claim to be the messiah, the historical accuracy and significance of the resurrection and ascension texts, the place of Peter and the apostles, the importance of the Apocryphal gospels, and more. This book holds insights for...

The kingship of God is a widely used Old Testament notion, even though the exact expression, “kingdom of God,” which is so common in one form or another in the New Testament, is rarely found in the protocanonical writings of the Old Testament. The closest form is malkût Yahweh, “the kingdom of the Lord” (in postexilic 1 Chr 28:5; cf. deuterocanonical Wis 10:10). a. The kingship of God was a way of expressing Yahweh’s sovereignty over humanity, indeed