
Christian Philosophy in the Early Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

The first followers of Jesus were not drawn from the intellectual and social elite of their day, but rather from artisans, tax collectors, and the more disreputable members of society. Yet out of such seemingly insignificant beginnings, a seed was planted by his teaching, his cross, and his resurrection which was destined to spread its shade over the entire known world. What had begun as an...

The question immediately arises as to the possibility of harmonizing these two accounts of the ultimate reality, the natural and the revealed, and the different routes that lead to them. Can reason and revelation be brought into harmony with each other, linking nature, morality and history? To this important question Christians have from the outset proposed very different replies. Some of these will be discussed in Chapter 2. One of the most celebrated answers is that offered by Blaise Paschal. In
Pages 5–6