
Christian Living Beyond Belief: Biblical Principles for the Life of Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

Individual Christian growth comes through the life-long, consistent practice of the spiritual disciplines. The spiritual disciplines are simply prioritized virtues for daily living. These virtues are clearly taught in the Bible, were modeled perfectly by Christ, were preached by the first Apostles, and were implemented in the early church. And it is through these disciplines that Jesus will...

to God through acts of service flowing from a pure heart (i.e., Deuteronomy 10:12). The verb is used twenty-one times in the New Testament and always in a religious sense. It speaks of a person’s spiritual service rendered to God as opposed to service rendered to man. Usually translated as “serve” or “service”, occasionally it is translated as “worship.” Paul testified before Governor Felix by saying, “I admit that I worship the God of our fathers” (Acts 24:14; cf. Philippians 3:3). The distinctive
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