
Christian History Magazine—Issue 16: William Tyndale: Early Reformer & Bible Translator is unavailable, but you can change that!

By order of the Crown in 1537, the British laity received vernacular copies of the Scriptures—an historic event eventually facilitating the English Reformation. One year earlier, the man mostly responsible for translating those Scriptures was executed in accordance with an order from that same king. Open this issue of Christian History & Biography and delve into the famous and ironic life and...

Ironically, though More had many people executed because they denied the pope’s authority, his immovable commitment to that authority eventually led to his own death. When King Henry insisted on getting a divorce contrary to papal proclamations, then went on to declare that the pope no longer had authority in England, More told the king that he disagreed and would have to resign his post. Henry could not tolerate the public humiliation of having his closest advisor visibly questioning his wisdom,