
Christian History Magazine—Issue 16: William Tyndale: Early Reformer & Bible Translator is unavailable, but you can change that!

By order of the Crown in 1537, the British laity received vernacular copies of the Scriptures—an historic event eventually facilitating the English Reformation. One year earlier, the man mostly responsible for translating those Scriptures was executed in accordance with an order from that same king. Open this issue of Christian History & Biography and delve into the famous and ironic life and...

At a later date he expressed his dissatisfaction with the teaching of theology at the universities: “In the universities they have ordained that no man shall look on the Scripture until he be nozzled in heathen learning eight or nine years, and armed with false principles with which he is clean shut out of the understanding of the Scripture.” In 1521 he left the university world to join the household of Sir John Walsh at Little Sodbury Manor, north of Bath. It’s unclear exactly what role he played