
Effective Marriage Counseling: The His Needs, Her Needs Guide to Helping Couples is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Willard F. Harley, Jr. has spent the past thirty-some years developing and fine-tuning a comprehensive marriage counseling program that has helped more than a million couples--through both his private counseling and his books. In this new resource, Dr. Harley walks pastors and counselors through that program, equipping them for the kind of marital coaching he's been doing for decades. ...

hand, is assertive and directive. A coach helps clients set goals and sees to it that they are achieved. The three characteristics of a good marriage counselor that I’ve just described can be realized only in the context of a logical therapeutic sequence. The sequence that I highly recommend to you is intake, assessment, treatment, practice, and discharge. Coaching: Being assertive and directive, a coach helps clients set goals and sees to it that they