
The Prayer of Our Lord is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Lord's Prayer, the greatest prayer in the Bible, comes from the heart of the Savior, the Son of God, to his Heavenly Father. It is proclaimed at celebrations, cried in times of war, whispered in the face of death. In a society where people are bombarded by worry and concern, violence and evil, it is so important to meet with the Heavenly Father in the intimate solitude of prayer. Pastor...

“Father” some sixty times in the Gospels. Calling God “Father” was the heart of the prayer life of Jesus Christ as it was for no one before him. Jesus was also the first to employ the precise word that he used when he addressed his Father. It was the word Jewish children used for their fathers: abba. In fact, abba was almost certainly the word that Jesus himself used for his father Joseph when he was working in his carpentry shop back in Nazareth. The word abba was picked up by the apostles