
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volumes I–XV is unavailable, but you can change that!

With 11,482 articles, hundreds of maps and illustrations, and contributions from 1,500 scholars, The Catholic Encyclopedia has remained a standard reference work for both Catholics and Protestants for more than a century—a reference work so large that, when first published, it required the creation of a new publishing company to accommodate the printing. First published to fill a gap in early...

Finally with regard to the organ of tradition it must be an official organ, a magisterium, or teaching authority. Now in this respect there are several points of controversy between Catholics and every body of Protestants. Is all revealed truth consigned to Holy Scripture? or can it, must it, be admitted that Christ gave to His Apostles to be transmitted to His Church, that the Apostles received either from the very lips of Jesus or from inspiration or Revelation, Divine instructions which they transmitted