
Canaan and Israel in Antiquity: An Introduction is unavailable, but you can change that!

This unusually comprehensive textbook represents the most recent approaches to the biblical world by surveying Palestine’s social, political, economic, religious and ecological changes from Palaeolithic to Roman eras. Designed for beginners with little knowledge of the ancient world, and with copious illustrations and charts, this volume explains how and why academic study of the past is...

there were seven ‘planets’—that is to say, seven stars that moved in unique patterns. Each planet, which was also a god, received a day in his or her honor. Therefore, most ancient peoples observed a seven-day week, as did the Romans from the time of Augustus. Sun’s day and Moon’s day remain evident in our days of the week, as does Saturn’s day. These names derive from the Anglo-Saxon names of the gods, as do all the names of our days: Tiw(=Mars)-day, Woden(=Mercury)-day, Thor(=Jupiter)-day, Freya(=Venus)-
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