
Fearless is unavailable, but you can change that!

Fear may fill the world but does not have to fill your heart. Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. Layoffs at work. Slowdowns in the economy. Health scares. Division. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into the prison of our anxious minds and keeps us from the freedom Christ offers. New York Times bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites us to turn to faith, not fear, as...

because we feel cornered. Martin Niemöller documents an extreme example of this. He was a German pastor who took a heroic stand against Adolf Hitler. When he first met the dictator in 1933, Niemöller stood at the back of the room and listened. Later, when his wife asked him what he’d learned, he said, “I discovered that Herr Hitler is a terribly frightened man.”3 Fear releases the tyrant within. It also deadens our recall. The disciples had reason to trust Jesus. By now they’d seen him “healing all