
The Message of Deuteronomy: Not by Bread Alone is unavailable, but you can change that!

Reading Deuteronomy can be like standing among the children of Israel before Moses, hearing him address us as the next generation of the covenant people of God. Though we will soon pass over the Jordan into the good land, we will still struggle with temptations and opposition. Moses challenges us to face and apply God’s covenant word to new situations. Raymond Brown guides Christians to hear and...

found within the whole New Testament literature. The book is important for us, as well as for Jesus and his earliest followers. When Stephen preached before the Sanhedrin he told his hostile audience that God communicated to Moses a message he was ‘to pass on to us’,7 not, surely, a reference to the Hebrew nation alone but to that believing community to which Stephen belonged, the new Israel of God8 comprised of Jews and Gentiles who had trusted Christ. Moses communicated ‘living words’, not detached
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