
A Basic Guide to Eschatology: Making Sense of the Millennium is unavailable, but you can change that!

At the turn of the millennium, when increasing attention was being given to eschatological subjects, there was a need for an objective, comprehensive overview of the various end-times perspectives. A Basic Guide to Eschatology provided just such a resource. In this fair, careful, and accessible study, leading evangelical theologian Millard Erickson gives an overview of various end-times...

In premillennialism we have a rather popular view, particularly in evangelical or conservative circles. In some ways this view is clear, definite, simple, and straightforward. The silhouette of its major features is readily discerned. Yet, because there are two distinct varieties of premillennialism, it is sometimes difficult to determine what is generic premillennialism and what are specific features of the two subtypes. In later chapters these two varieties will be expounded
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