
Brad: Visionary Spiritual Leadership is unavailable, but you can change that!

Explore modern society through the words of Seventh-day Adventist minister and social analyst Monte Sahlin. The 51 articles in this collection discuss important topics like the history and demographics of the SDA denomination, issues of marriage and parenting, SDA doctrines and their implications in the postmodern world, and helpful analyses of congregations today. Many articles were penned for...

Strong pastors do make a difference. With the coming of the right leadership, I have seen the mood of an entire congregation lifted in a single day. This makes me believe in miracles! The pastor is the impact player on the team. Pastors make it happen. Church members, swear off pastor-bashing. It is too late in the day to indulge in this “harmless” parlor pastime (which turns out not to be so harmless because our children could be damaged for life). Don’t worship pastors, either. It is not healthy