
What Does It Mean to be Born Again? is unavailable, but you can change that!

When Jesus explained the necessity of the new birth, the Jewish leader Nicodemus asked in astonishment, “How can these things be?” Some two thousand years later, much confusion still surrounds the term “born again,” though more people than ever people claim to have had the experience. In this Crucial Questions booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul cuts through the confusion and carefully explains what it...

I once spoke with a gentleman who said he wanted to learn more about the Christian faith. He said he thought that he was a Christian and wanted to know more of what Christianity involved. But, he cautioned, “I don’t want to be a born-again Christian.” When I heard that, my mind snapped back to the 1976 presidential campaign, when Jimmy Carter identified himself as a born-again Christian. About that same time, Charles Colson, who had been an adviser to President Nixon