
The Epistle to the Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

C. K. Barrett’s exegetical prowess, evidenced most distinctly in his volumes on the First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians, also in the Black’s series, has long been appreciated in the world of biblical studies. Now, in his long-awaited, newly revised, verse-by-verse exposition of Romans, Barrett further enhances our understanding of the book of Romans, early Christianity, the apostle Paul...

true, makes between sin and transgression. Sin is an inward disposition of rebellion against God arising out of exaltation of the self. It has always been in the world since Adam’s fall because it is inseparably bound up with man’s desire to return to the lost state of bliss and immortality, his will to life in and for himself. This is an unavoidable consequence of man’s existence in a world which has once turned away from God. But it is not to be identified with the performance of wicked actions.
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