
The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting, Volume 3: The Book of Acts and Paul in Roman Custody is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting, vol. 3: Paul in Roman Custody provides a unique opportunity not only to learn about the custodial system of the Graeco-Roman world, but to better view Paul’s persona and Christian mission as well. Brian Rapske’s outstanding study shows Luke himself to be an ardent helper of Paul the missionary prisoner.

Luke devoted much space to the prisoner Paul. Nearly 25% of Acts concerns Paul’s final arrest and imprisonment.1 When the twenty-four verses of the earlier Philippian arrest and imprisonment are included, the proportion of Acts devoted to Pauline imprisonments approaches 30%. The reader’s interest in Luke’s intention is heightened when the amount of space devoted to the free and the imprisoned Paul is compared. The last section on Paul’s arrest and incarceration ‘is slightly longer than that describing
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