
The Book of Acts: A Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Experience Pentecost. Look on as 130 converts shake a city. Meet Paul and go with him as he plants the first Gentile church. Extend the kingdom’s power and see the enemy upset. Walk with Paul as he travels to Corinth, Antioch, Ephesus, and beyond. For those desiring to be a part of God’s action in their churches, communities, and throughout the world, there is nothing that will help more than...

What is the kingdom of God? The kingdom of God is present, first and foremost, wherever Jesus Christ is acknowledged and served as King. It is not a geopolitical territory with recognized boundaries. It could not join the United Nations. It is a kingdom not of this world but nevertheless in this world. It is essentially a spiritual kingdom; but it also has tangible, visible manifestations. In another sense, the kingdom of God is future as well as present. There will be a day when Jesus “delivers
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