
‘In the Beginning …’: A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall is unavailable, but you can change that!

In four superb homilies and a concluding essay, Joseph Ratzinger, provides a clear and inspiring exploration of the Genesis creation narratives. While the stories of the world’s creation and the fall of humankind have often been subjected to reductionism of one sort or another—literalists treat the Bible as a science textbook whereas rationalists divorce God from creation—Ratzinger presents a...

The obscuring of faith in creation, which eventually led to its almost complete disappearance, is closely connected with the “spirit of modernity.” It is a fundamental part of what constitutes modernity. To go straight to the point: the foundations of modernity are the reason for the disappearance of “creation” from the horizons of historically influential thought. Thus our subject leads us to the very center of the drama of modernity and to