
‘In the Beginning …’: A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall is unavailable, but you can change that!

In four superb homilies and a concluding essay, Joseph Ratzinger, provides a clear and inspiring exploration of the Genesis creation narratives. While the stories of the world’s creation and the fall of humankind have often been subjected to reductionism of one sort or another—literalists treat the Bible as a science textbook whereas rationalists divorce God from creation—Ratzinger presents a...

G. K. Chesterton was often blessed with the gift of a striking turn of phrase. He certainly hit upon a decisive aspect of the work of St. Thomas Aquinas when he observed that, if the great doctor were to be given a name in the style of the Carmelite Order (“… of the Child Jesus,” “of the Mother of God,” etc.), he would have to be called Thomas a Creatore, “Thomas of the Creator.”1 Creator and creation are the core of his theological thought. It says