
Beginning Contemplative Prayer: Out of Chaos into Quiet is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many of us have a desire to pray more deeply, but feel that the profound prayer of contemplation is beyond our possibilities and capabilities. Sister Kathryn Hermes wants you to believe your heart when it asks for this deeper, more profound experience of prayer. In this practical guide, bestselling author Kathryn J. Hermes, FSP, demonstrates how to begin a life of contemplative prayer. You don’t...

find almost everyone is talking to someone. As we become unaccustomed to silence, remembering and observing, these new rhythms carry us along. And so, Christians today have a unique challenge to create a harmony between their personal rhythm of encounter with God and today’s communication expectations. Contemplative living needs to happen in the here and now of our existence, not in the world as it existed fifty years ago, or twenty, or even at the turn of the twenty-first century. Contemplation
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