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What is freedom… and do you have it? Is freedom the right to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it? Most people would say, “Yes!” They’re wrong! That kind of “freedom” is the worst kind of bondage. It turns life into a prison. You think you’re free when you’re really a slave-and you can’t free yourself. Real freedom begins with knowing God and enjoying the liberty He alone can...

As we’ve studied Exodus, we’ve traveled with Moses from the glory of God in the burning bush to the glory of God in the tabernacle. What are the basic truths we’ve learned? 1. God’s purpose for His people is freedom. He doesn’t want us to be in bondage to self, sin, or the world. 2. God’s purpose in freedom is that His people manifest responsible conduct and service. Freedom isn’t the privilege of doing whatever we want to do. It’s the opportunity to do whatever God wants us to do. 3. Responsible
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