
Authority in Prayer: Praying with Power and Purpose is unavailable, but you can change that!

Beginning with your private world--your thoughts, body, actions, and ultimately your God-ordained destiny--you can take charge. Authority is yours for the taking. Then, because God established and so honors the principle of authority, He will back you as you walk in the government He has delegated to you concerning your extended world--your home, family, business, and possessions. Finally,...

authority over what one authors. A creator determines the purpose of his creation and holds all rights to it. God, of course, is creative—it is His nature. And how can a creator not create? So the great Creator went to work, and the first two chapters of Genesis describe the results. One verse in particular describes His pleasure over the outcome: “God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good” (1:31). That God is Author and Creator of the earth and all it contains settles the issue of ultimate