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You want a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, but the notes in your study Bible don't give you enough depth or insight. This commentary was created with you in mind. The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary is a nontechnical, section-by-section commentary on the whole Bible that provides reliable and readable interpretations of the Scriptures from 43 leading evangelical scholars. A complete...

from earth (148:1b, 7a, respectively). Then, after identifying specific beings or objects that are to offer praise (148:1c–4, 7b–12), he concludes each section with, “Let them praise the name of the LORD,” and gives reasons why such praise should be given (148:5–6, 13–14c). . This psalm emphasizes the necessity of praising and humbly serving God. The author binds together the psalm’s two sections (149:1–4, 5–9) by revealing privileges given to the saints: praising God publicly, praising
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