
A Son to Me: An Exposition of 1 & 2 Samuel is unavailable, but you can change that!

Peter Leithart offers here a typological reading of 1 & 2 Samuel as a unified book. By giving careful attention to the book's literary structures and its patterns of types and antitypes, Leithart unveils the symbolic world of Samuel's cumulative and cohesive story. His reading enhances our understanding of New Testament Christology while at the same time giving us a framework for applying the Old...

symbolizes birth. God “opens”the doorway of the womb so that a child can enter the world. Hannah’s child would eventually stand in the same doorway as the “gatekeeper” of Israel (1 Sam. 3:15). Hannah vowed she would dedicate her son to the Lord forever, as a permanent Nazirite (1:11). According to Numbers 6, the Nazirite separated himself from wine, from grapes, from cutting his hair, and from the dead. In several details, the Nazirite resembled a priest, especially the high priest. Nazirites were
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