
Letter of James: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The letter of James is one of the most significant, yet generally overlooked, New Testament books. Because Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation, disliked this letter for its emphasis on good deeds, the book has come to be viewed as being in opposition to Paul’s letters, which emphasize faith in God. To correct these and other misperceptions about James, Luke Timothy Johnson embarks...

obedience and hospitality of faith shown by the “works” of Abraham and Rahab (2:20–25); in the “endurance of faith” demonstrated by Job (5:10–11); in the “prayer of faith” offered by Elijah (5:17–18). This opening exhortation contains in compressed form each one of these themes: faith’s perfect “work/product,” endurance, and prayer. It remains to the rest of the chapter to work out the conceptual understanding of this thesis more fully. The content of James’ first exhortation, furthermore, is scarcely
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