
Jeremiah 1–20: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jeremiah, long considered one of the most colorful of the ancient Israelite prophets, comes to life in Jack R. Lundbom’s Jeremiah 1–20. From his boyhood call to prophecy in 627 B.C.E., which Jeremiah tried to refuse, to his scathing judgments against the sins and hypocrisy of the people of Israel, Jeremiah charged through life with passion and emotion. He saw his fellow Israelites abandon their...

The late seventh and early sixth centuries B.C. saw Babylon replace Assyria as the major power broker in Near Eastern affairs. The transition allowed Judah a brief period of independence, which it used with profit to carry out a major religious reform under King Josiah. But the realignment of world powers, combined with a repudiation in Judah of the reform program after Josiah’s death, resulted in a sorry state of affairs for what remained of the once-proud Israel. Its demise
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