
The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Six years in the making, this state-of-the-art dictionary offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biblical subjects and scholarship. An essential reference for every serious reader of the Bible. This electronic edition of the Anchor Bible Dictionary contains everything from the complete and unabridged six volume, 7,200 page print edition, with illustrations. Features more than...

and the Pharisees. The earliest rabbinic texts in which these discussions appear are the Mishnah and the Tosefta (Lightstone 1971:206–17; Rivkin 1969/70:205–49). The Mishnah, edited ca. 220 C.E. (Neusner 1981), contains several passages in which the Sadducees disagree with the Pharisees; in most of these texts, the two groups dispute over matters of purity: Yad. 4.6, whether or not Scripture renders the hands unclean; whether or not the bones of an ass or the high priest are clean; Yad. 4.7, whether
Volume 5, Page 893