
Homilies on the Gospel of John 1–40 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Few ancient Christian authors attempted anything like a complete commentary on the Gospel of John, among them Origen, John Chrysostom and Augustine. Of these, Augustine’s must count as the greatest. Unlike Origen’s, it has come down to us in its entirety, and of the others that remain it is certainly the most theologically profound. John’s gospel allows Augustine to range broadly over themes that...

brought about heresies and schisms and divided the Church of God. But those that divided the Church of God were not the mountains of which it was said, May the mountains receive peace for your people (Ps 71:3). How, in fact, could those who divided unity have received peace? John, a high mountain, received Wisdom 4. But those who did receive peace to proclaim it to the people contemplated Wisdom herself, insofar as human hearts can reach that which no eye has seen nor ear heard, nor has it entered
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