
400,000+ Scribal Errors in the Greek New Testament Manuscripts: What Assurance Do We Have that We Can Trust the Bible? is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Bible has been under attack since Moses penned the first five books. However, the New Testament has faced criticism like no other time over the 50-70-years. Both friend and foe have challenged the reliability of our New Testament. Self-proclaimed Agnostic textual scholar Dr. Bart D. Ehrman has claimed that there are 400,000+ scribal errors in our Greek New Testament manuscripts. A leading...

manuscripts that we now have, only about fifty are complete. Consequently, Erasmus had but one copy of Revelation (twelfth-century). Since it was incomplete, he merely retranslated the missing last six verses of the book from the Latin Vulgate back into Greek. He even frequently brought his Greek text in line with the Latin Vulgate; this is why there are some twenty readings in his Greek text not found in any other Greek manuscript. Martin Luther would use Erasmus’ 1519 edition for his German translation,