
Knowable Word: Helping Ordinary People Learn to Study the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

People with Bibles don’t always know how to use them. They’re good at absorbing and repeating material from sermons, commentaries, and blogs, but they miss the fullness and joy that comes from studying the Bible for themselves. The power to change the world is available, but it goes untapped. This book offers what they most need: a sensible Bible study method. By learning to observe, interpret,...

section that interests us. This step is called “the book overview.” We could address many issues during the book overview, but I find these four most helpful. 1. Author: Who wrote the book? 2. Audience and Occasion: To whom did the author write? What was going on in the lives of the author and the audience at the time? 3. Themes and Structure: What are the big ideas or episodes, and how are they arranged? 4. Purpose: Why did this author write these things to this audience at this time? The best way