
Coping With Change - Ecclesiastes is unavailable, but you can change that!

Ecclesiastes is a book filled with good news for those struggling to make sense of what is happening in life. Why does man madly pursue one thing and then another without meaning? True joy comes from the Lord himself, and for the one who has learned to fear God and keep his commandments, all of life holds purpose and delight. In Coping with Change, noted theologian Walter Kaiser mines the riches...

that can be found in life even though a strong bass-pedal note of “breath,” “mist,” “transience” or “change” is played against the more central search for some kind of fixed point of reference and meaning in one’s work. This book points to learning and living, that yields enjoyment to life itself and joy in such basic functions of life such as eating, drinking and happiness in one’s work. This bass-pedal note, to speak metaphorically for the moment, is struck immediately