
Coping With Change - Ecclesiastes is unavailable, but you can change that!

Ecclesiastes is a book filled with good news for those struggling to make sense of what is happening in life. Why does man madly pursue one thing and then another without meaning? True joy comes from the Lord himself, and for the one who has learned to fear God and keep his commandments, all of life holds purpose and delight. In Coping with Change, noted theologian Walter Kaiser mines the riches...

his work! Nor was the work of the author of Ecclesiastes the result of mere personal experience and experimentalism alone, for the “sayings of the wise,” in which category he placed his own work in 12:9, were “given by one Shepherd” (12:11)—a claim that he was divinely aided in writing his book. It hardly seems possible to equate this reference to “one Shepherd” with anyone other than the Lord Himself, who is Yahweh, the one true Shepherd of Israel. That title for our Lord is found in almost every