
Renovated: God, Dallas Willard, and the Church That Transforms is unavailable, but you can change that!

Outreach Magazine’s 2021 Resource of the Year in the Church Category Christianity tends to focus on beliefs and choices as the keys for personal growth. But biblical evidence and modern brain science tell a different story. Combining faith with the latest developments in neuroscience and psychology, Renovated offers a groundbreaking and refreshing perspective of how our attachment to God...

Discipleship is not for the church; the church is for discipleship. And discipleship is for the world. If discipleship is for the world, then the primary place of discipleship is at work, because that’s where we spend most of our time, and that is where the need is the greatest. When you look at all the difficulties we face in our world and ask yourself, What would it be like if those places were inhabited by disciples of Jesus who are doing their work to the glory of God in the power of His name?,