
UnCorinthian Leadership: Thematic Reflections on 1 Corinthians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Amid the torrent of books on leadership that flood the marketplace of contemporary Christianity, UnCorinthian Leadership takes a fresh, challenging, and biblical approach. David Starling examines the teaching and leadership practices of Paul in 1 Corinthians, and finds both a sharp critique of the "Corinthianized" practices that are endemic in much modern Western Christianity and a positive,...

The language Paul uses to describe the form that his rhetoric did not take makes it clear that he does not have in mind a wholesale rejection of all efforts to achieve clarity in communication or to use words as instruments of persuasion. What he is rejecting is “eloquent wisdom”; “lofty words or wisdom”; “plausible words of wisdom”—in other words, self-consciously elaborate rhetoric that seeks to win admiration for its own artistry, fancy rhetoric that flaunts the speaker’s superior social status,