
Signs of the Times: What the Bible Says About the Rapture, Anti-Christ, Armageddon, Heaven and Hell is unavailable, but you can change that!

FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Reveals what’s next for the nation, the planet, and the body of Christ • Exposes what is taking place in the invisible spiritual world • Points to a God who is in complete control The signs are unmistakable.   We've always had earthquakes but this many? We've always faced natural disasters but this terrible? We've always had Middle East tensions but this...

If Antichrist is close, Jesus Christ is even closer. It is my firm belief that the Antichrist can’t even be revealed until Christ comes for His people in the rapture of the church. So as close as we may be to the climax of history and the death agonies of this current world, we are that much closer to the moment when Jesus Christ will call His sons and daughters to Himself, and meet us in the air. Yes, I know that good people differ on this topic. I have friends in ministry today who don’t hold this