
Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur's Strange Fire is unavailable, but you can change that!

In response to Pastor John MacArthur’s call for a “collective war,” against charismatics, Dr. Michael Brown has called for unity in Jesus based on a return to the truth of the Scriptures in the fullness of the Spirit. As a charismatic biblical scholar and theologian, Dr. Brown responds to Pastor MacArthur’s charges, making a biblical case for the continuation of the New Testament gifts of the...

we possibly move forward in the midst of such division and name-calling?2 One of the most frequently quoted lines from the Strange Fire conference was Pastor MacArthur’s statement, “We’re not trying to divide the body of Christ with this conference. We’re trying to identify the body of Christ.” (This was actually tweeted out by #StrangeFire.) He further explained that, “There are others who criticized by saying, ‘You’re attacking brothers.’ I wish I could affirm that. We’ve said this one way or another