
Religious Affections: True Faith Shows Itself in the Fruit of the Spirit and Christlike Living is unavailable, but you can change that!

You probably know him for preaching the sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”—but Jonathan Edwards had much more to say about the Christian life. The central figure in New England’s first Great Awakening, Edwards offers a detailed description of the signs—true and false—of conversion, while highlighting the role truly balanced emotions play within the Christian life. He takes a long, hard...

In every act of the will, the soul either likes or dislikes what is in view; it is either inclined or disinclined to it. These are not essentially different from the emotions of love and hatred. When the soul is inclined toward something it doesn’t actually possess, that is the same as the emotion of desire. And when the soul approves of something present, it experiences pleasure; if that pleasure is strong enough, it is the same as the feeling of joy or delight. And if the will disapproves of what